STEM In a Bag

Don't need a whole week's worth of activities? Our STEM in a Bag curriculum offers shorter projects to infuse any time with students with a little STEMspiration! All curriculum is available in both English and Spanish!

Print our activity guides below and purchase materials to make your own kits.

We have organized our  STEM in a Bag activities based on the following themes:

STEMspire to Space!

Alka Seltzer Rocket STEM in a Bag v230413.pdf

Alka-Seltzer Rocket

Learn about space flight and Newton's Third Law of Motion while building a rocket!

Astronaut Egg Drop Final.pdf

Astronaut Egg Drop

Follow the Engineer Design Process to build a device that will protect an "astronaut" egg! 

Design a Lunar Buggy (Cathy PeddieFerenc Pavlics).pdf

Lunar Buggy Design

Learn about the Apollo 15 Lunar Rover while using the Engineer Design Process to build a model buggy to transport materials!

Design a Lunar Lander SIB v220425.pdf

Design a Lunar Lander

Follow the Engineer Design Process to build a device that will land two "astronauts" safely on the moon.  

Straw Rocket Challenge.pdf

Straw Rocket Challenge

Test and modify the design of a paper rocket in order to maximize its trajectory and flight distance. 

STEMspire to Code!

Binary Bracelet STEM in a Bag v230627.pdf

Binary Bracelets

Discover how computers communicate and create a bracelet with your name in binary code!

Coding with Cards STEM in a Bag v231019.pdf

Coding with Cards

Write an algorithm to create and play your very own card game!

Cryptography Crack the Code!.pdf


Learn how important information is encrypted and decrypted by using a cipher to encode a secret message!

STEMspire to Fly!

Flying High Final.pdf

Flying High

Explore two of the basic forces of flight, then use your new knowledge to design a paper airplane!

Hoop Glider SIB v230308.pdf

Hoop Glider

Learn about aerodynamics by constructing and flying a hoop glider!

Propeller Power - English.pdf

Propeller Power

Create and utilize a propeller to lift a payload!

Dermer Sled Kite - E & S.pdf

Dermer Sled Kite

Explore the science of flight by constructing a kite.

Design a Parachute STEM in a Bag v230711.pdf

Design a Parachute

Use the Engineering Design Process to create the most effective parachute that will safely and gently land a payload.

STEMspire to Make a Difference!

Storm Shelter Final.pdf

Storm Shelter

Use the Engineer Design Process to build a model storm shelter!

Design a Water Filter.pdf

Water Filter

Use the Engineer Design Process to build a water filter!

Recycled Bird Feeder - STEM in a Bag.pdf

Recycled Bird Feeder

Repurpose a used juice or milk container to create a bird feeder!

STEMspire to Build!

Build a Bridge Challenge v230803.pdf

Bridge Challenge

Use the Engineer Design Process to build a bridge that suspends a toy over a 1-foot gap!

DIY Marble Run.pdf

DIY Marble Run

Use the Engineer Design Process to build a model slide or roller coaster for a marble to ride on!

Tallest Tower Challenge.pdf

Tallest Tower Challenge

Use the Engineer Design Process to build the tallest tower as you compete with your friends! 

Build a Clock Tower Final.pdf

Build a Clock Tower

Use the Engineer Design Process to build a device that accurately keeps time.

Penny Boat Challenge.pdf

Penny Boat Challenge

Build a boat our of aluminum foil that can hold as many pennies as possible without sinking. 

Mini AC STEM in a Bag.pdf

Build a Mini AC Unit

Use a chemical reaction to create a miniature air conditioner. 

STEMspire to Love Math!

Make 100 - English & Spanish.pdf

Make 100

Play a card game that reinforces place value. 

Fraction Flip Final - English and Spanish.pdf

Fraction Flip

Play a card game that reinforces fractions. 

Factor Bingo v220126.pdf

Factor Bingo

Practice multiplying factors as you play bingo.

Designing Tessellations v230802.pdf

Designing Tessellations

Create a piece of art using a tessellation patter. 

STEMspire to Heal!

Healthcare Highlight DIY Stethoscope.pdf

DIY Stethoscope

Create your own stethoscope and practice calculating heart rate. 

Build a Bionic Hand SIB v230803.pdf

Build a Bionic Hand

Create a prototype of a bionic hand using household materials. 

STEMspire to Get Outside!

Ag in Action - GWC 231114.pdf

Agriculture in Action: George Washington Carver

Identify the different layers of a soil sample and determine the most appropriate crop to plant. 

Leaf Sort.pdf

Leaf Sort

Get outside and practice identifying the leaves you find. 

Seeds A Celebration of Society and Science.pdf

Seeds: A Celebration of Society & Science

Identify unknown seeds by observing their characteristics and creating your own way to classify them. 

Backyard Biodiversity (STEMtember Edition) v230728.pdf

Backyard Biodiversity

Analyze the biodiversity of an area using a sampling technique called a quadrat.

Design a Hand Pollinator v042324.pdf

Design a Hand Pollinator

Use the Engineer Design Process to create and test a device to transfer "pollen" from one "flower" to another.

STEMspire to Make Waves!

Solar Art SIB 240212.pdf

Solar Art

Learn how sunscreen protects your skin from UV rays while creating your own piece of solar art. 

DIY Harmonica STEM in a Bag v230503.pdf

DIY Harmonica

Experiment with sound and pitch by creating your own harmonica. 

STEMspire to Magnetize!

Fishing with Magnets.pdf

Fishing with Magnets

Make predictions about which objects will be attracted to magnets, then test those predictions.

Build an Electromagnet.pdf

Build an Electromagnet

Create an electromagnet that can hold at least 3 paperclips.

STEMspire to Dig Deep!

Aquifer in a Cup Final.pdf

Aquifer in a Cup

Create an aquifer model and discover where groundwater comes from.

Fabricated Fossils Final.pdf

Fabricated Fossils

Create trace fossils that represent 3 different types of organisms. 

Pipeline Challenge.pdf

Pipeline Challenge

Develop a pipeline system to transport a "oil and natural gas" from one point to another, incorporating several restraints.