Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost for each Experience?

All of the online content for each STEM Experience is completely free. The only costs associated with facilitating the programs are the cost of materials. Materials needed for each STEM Experience can be found on the individual Experience page. 

How long does each Experience last?

Each Experience is broken up into 5 days of activities. Depending on the grade level of the student and level of reflection, the daily activities may take between 1 - 4 hours. 

We encourage you to work through the Experience at a pace that best serves your students. The Experiences are designed to be self paced, so feel free to take more or less than 5 days to complete the activities. Content will be available on the website indefinitely.

Can I use this content during class time or during school breaks other than Summer?

Absolutely! This resource was created to provide content for summer programming, but could be modified to be used for spring break, after-school, in-class and beyond!

I’ve completed all the listed camps - where can I find more STEM programming?

Check out our website for more information on the following programs:

Who can I contact with questions about the STEM Experience Playbook?

Email us at!

We're here to help!

We offer free consultation sessions to get your STEM experience off the ground.

Explore our lending library of educational tools and funding opportunities.

Our flexible activities allow educators to incorporate a hour activity to a semester-long afterschool program.

Help our ecosystem grow and improve by providing your feedback!